Results for 'Liudmyla M. Melnyk'

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  1.  21
    "First and Third Rome" under the context of the "Russian world" ideology and modern Vatican verification.Liudmyla M. Melnyk - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:311-319.
    The paper deals withy the analysis and highlighting the concepts of First and third Rome under the context of the «Russian world» ideology and modern Vatican verification. The imperian segment of First and third Rome, interconnection between the ideologeme «Moscow – the Third Rome» and geopolitical in the essence concept of Kyryll patriarch. The process of historial fails of «Moscow the Third Rome» created for all the Christian world. It has been pinted out that the «Russian world» abd the ROC (...)
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    Замість рецензії (харизматичне вчення леонтія і українська православна церква московського патріархату.Liudmyla M. Shuhayeva - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 47:173-178.
    In our scientific reconnaissance we have repeatedly turned to the analysis of social and spiritual origins, features of the doctrine of religious association of the charismatic orientation of the Orthodox origin of the Leontians, the personality of Leontius, the activities of his followers. Again, the small work of the Archpriest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, Vasily Ostapchuk, entitled "The Life and Activity of Father Leonti", published in 500 in Rivne in 2006, forced us to turn to (...)
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    Трансформаційні процеси в православному сектантстві україни епохи постмодерну.Liudmyla M. Shuhayeva - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 50:241-247.
    The phenomenon of Orthodox sectarianism is becoming increasingly important in the context of contemporary confessional changes in Ukraine. Until the 90s of the twentieth century. the social role of Orthodox sectarianism was determined primarily by the fact that its doctrine and practice represented an attempt to create an alternative to the existing order in society. In independent Ukraine, sectarian groups of Orthodox origin have legalized their activities.
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    Стан і тенденції трансформації православних сект в незалежній україні.Liudmyla M. Shuhayeva - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 42:88-107.
    Political, social and economic transformations that occurred in the state in the late 80's in the early 90's of XX century. significant impact on religious and church life. The Law of Ukraine "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations" allowed religious organizations to free themselves from state interference in denominational affairs, and gave believers the opportunity to freely profess any of their faith. In the public consciousness, the prestige of denominational organizations has increased, religious political parties and movements have been (...)
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    Особливості трансформації релігійного об’єднання істинно православних християн в україні.Liudmyla M. Shuhayeva - 2007 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 43:114-120.
    The religious unification of true Orthodox Christians appeared in the late 1930s. within the realm of the Orthodox Church. Soviet sectarian and researcher F. Cherkavenko, who printed books under the name of Fedorenko, saw the cause of true Orthodox Christianity in the collapse of the communities of the true Orthodox Church in the 1940s. and in its wreckage the emergence of a new religious association - true Orthodox Christianity. We cannot agree with such a vision and argument for the emergence (...)
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    Chiliastic-eschatological sectarian association of Jehovah-Ilinists.Liudmyla M. Shuhayeva - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 34:66-73.
    The notion of "Orthodox sectarianism" is much narrower than the concept of "religious sectarianism" and may mean a complete doctrine or individual religious ideas that have formed on the basis of the Orthodox cult. However, this concept causes the existence of a somewhat organized circle of like-minded people.
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    Ioannites - the course of the chiliastic-eschatological orientation of Orthodox origin.Liudmyla M. Shuhayeva - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 39:145-153.
    In the first decades of the XIX century. the territory of the Russian Empire from Western Europe is beginning to penetrate chiliastic ideas. The term "chiliism" refers to the well-known doctrine of the millennial kingdom of Icyca Christ on earth, dating to the first centuries of Christianity. The ideas of chilias became especially popular during the reign of Alexander I, who himself was sympathetic to the mystical-chiliatic teachings. Chilias in the Russian Empire spread in two ways. On the one hand, (...)
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    Origins and Features of the Doctrine of the Charismatic Religious Association of Leontians.Liudmyla M. Shuhayeva - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 38:136-144.
    The roots of charismatic doctrines go back to the distant past. Their basic ideas of direct spiritual communion with God, of so-called "spiritual enlightenment," were characteristic of ancient Montanism. Over time, these ideas and the cult associated with them passed through the doctrines of medieval hezichasts and religious entities such as Swans, convulsions, Quakers, Shekkers, Hristovers, Eunuchs, Scribes, and others. They are characterized by the belief that God, in the form of some invisible all-pervading spirit, can instill in any worthy (...)
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    Origins and Transformation of the Hristovers: Features of the Doctrine.Liudmyla M. Shuhayeva - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 33:55-66.
    In the XVII-XVIII centuries. socio-political contradictions in the Russian empire led to the separation from orthodoxy of a number of communities, commonly known as "spiritual Christians," or the old Russian sectarianism. Declaring the doctrine of Orthodoxy authoritarian, they advocated the profession of faith "in the spirit and in the truth," for a spiritual interpretation of Scripture. All spiritual Christians are characterized by: the rejection of the Orthodox Church and the whole institute of the church hierarchy, the basic Orthodox dogmas, sacraments, (...)
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    Religion in the context of the spiritual revival of Ukraine.Liudmyla O. Fylypovych & Anatolii M. Kolodnyi - 1996 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 2:4-14.
    Ukraine for the third time in its history is experiencing a process of national revival, which not only intensified the activities of different faiths, but also raised the question of the place of religion in the life of the nation in general. That rehabilitation of religion, which took place in public opinion during the years of Ukraine's independence, changes in social assessments of its role in spiritual and national revival, Ukrainian state building, as we are, is more likely to be (...)
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  11. History of the Ukrainian Association of Researchers of Religion : Emergence and Institutionalization.Liudmyla O. Fylypovych - 2019 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 87:80-100.
    The article is devoted to the history of UARR, its first steps – from the inception of the idea of creating a professional association of religious researchers to a constitutive conference and its decisions. On the basis of archival documents that we managed to collect, and surveys of participants of those events, the process of emergence and institutionalization of the society of religious scholars of Ukraine was restored. It was found that thanks to the enthusiasm of representatives of academic and (...)
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  12.  30
    Дисциплінарне релігієзнавство. Тезовий виклад матеріалу.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi, Vitaliy Volodymyrovych Shevchenko, Oksana Gorkusha, Oleksandr V. Sarapin, Hanna M. Kulagina-Stadnichenko, N. Gavrilova, Mykhailo Yu Babiy, Liudmyla O. Fylypovych, Oleg Vasyliovych Buchma, Valentyna Anatoliyivna Bodak, Borys O. Lobovyk, Valeriy Volodymyrovych Klymov & R. Trachuk - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 49:5-82.
    Department of Philosophy of Religion The Department of Religious Studies of IF NASU during 2006-2008 carried out the specified planned theme. Below we present its sections in the summary. The full study material will be published in the monograph under the same title, which will be published by the end of 2009. The book can be used as a textbook on religious studies.
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    "Russian world" – theological doctrine and religious ideology that ruin the humanity.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi & Liudmyla O. Fylypovych - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 76:158-163.
    The XXth century has provided numerous examples of different forms of religious extremism, in particular the Orthodox Christian extremism. XXIth century demonstrates an explosion of neo-pagan and Orthodox extremist views in Russia grounded on syncretic theory of «Russian World».
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    Ukrainian Church in the vision of Ivan Ogienko.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi & Liudmyla O. Fylypovych - 2017 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 83:5-17.
    In the article by A. Kolodny and L. Fylypovych, dedicated to Ivan Ogienko, the Ogienko's vision of the features of the Orthodox Churches locality, in particular the specifics of their manifestation in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, is presented. The main features of Ukrainian Orthodoxy are revealed.
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    Історія української асоціації релігієзнавців. До 25-ліття заснування.Liudmyla O. Fylypovych - 2019 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 89:78-83.
    Interview with M.Y. Babiy - the first scientific secretary of the Ukrainian Association of Researchers of Religion on the constitution of a professional union of the scholars of religion in Ukraine.
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    Tolerance Limits of Cruelty in the Philosophy of the 20th Century: The Possibility of an Ambivalent Interpretation.N. V. Borodina & Y. M. Melnyk - 2024 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 26:61-70.
    Мета. Дослідження спрямовано на амбівалентні інтерпретації меж толерування жорстокості у філософії ХХ століття. Теоретичний базис. Основою дослідження стали концепції Жана-Поля Сартра, Жоржа Батая та Альбера Камю, які не виправдовують жорстокість, але показують можливість її легітимності за деяких умов. Наукова новизна. Автори встановили три головні лінії толерування жорстокості, які стали основою амбівалентної інтерпретації: 1) обґрунтування необхідності жорстокості в боротьбі за соціальну справедливість (Сартр); 2) обґрунтування можливості жорстокості щодо себе як наслідок прав та свобод людини (Камю); 3) обґрунтування доцільності гносеологічної жорстокості як (...)
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    Інформаційний менеджмент як фактор розвитку інноваційного суспільства.V. V. Melnyk - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 74:39-47.
    The relevance of the topic of research of information management as a modern direction of the development of society is that in the 21st century the development of modern civilization has accelerated in the direction of globalization - economic, political, and cultural. The central problem for the development of informational civilization is information as one of the most important attributes and resources of human activity, which grows into knowledge. The problem of research is information management as a science that is (...)
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  18.  90
    Is there a formal argument against positive rights?Andrew Melnyk - 1989 - Philosophical Studies 55 (2):205 - 209.
    Positive rights are, roughly, rights that one be provided with certain things; and so they entail obligations on others, not merely to refrain from interfering with the bearer of the rights, but to see to it that one gets whatever one has the rights to. An example of a positive right would be the right to a welfare minimum; the right, that is, to resources sufficient to satisfy basic physical needs. In this paper I criticise a couple of recent attempts (...)
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    Philosophy as literature. Stocker, B., & Mack, M. (Eds.). (2018). The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Literature. London: Palgrave Macmillan. [REVIEW]Liudmyla Kornienko - 2020 - Sententiae 39 (2):185-191.
    Review of Stocker, B., & Mack, M. (Eds.). (2018). The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Literature. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
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    Youth policy development in Ukraine - experience of the European Union.Hanna Ortina & Liudmyla Yefimenko - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії:129-130.
    «Youth policy» as an independent term is defined in the scientific literature in the 1960s., which in many ways «was associated with the formation of youth as an independent social force and its self-determination in the socio-political space». By the 1970s XX century youth policy in the vast majority of developed countries is transforming an independent direction of national policy. Youth is a complex, multidimensional and rather controversial social phenomenon. Modern youth acts as the most active and mobile social group, (...)
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    Features of the Modernization of Marxism in the Practice of the Ccp.Leonid Chupriy & Liudmyla Yevdokymova - 2023 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 2 (9):63-67.
    B a c k g r o u nd. The article focuses on the study of modern adaptations and modifications of Marxist principles in the context of the practice of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Focusing on the process of modernization, the article explores how Marxism developed and adapted to China's unique socio-political and economic landscape. Through an in-depth analysis of the CCP's policy and ideological changes, the article sheds light on the distinctive features characterizing the modernization of Marxism in (...)
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    Гуманістичний тип раціональності як чинник формування коеволюційно-інноваційної стратегії сталого розвитку людства.Mykola Kozlovets, Liudmyla Horokhova & Viktoriia Melnychuk - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 77:47-68.
    Topicality of the study lies in the fact that modern rationality as a significant achievement of civilization is simultaneously becoming a real threat to the mankind.Science, undertaking a humanistic mission, at the same time dehumanizes what it was aimed at: the system of values, education and culture.Acquired knowledge is often used to destroy the environment and humanity, and not for progress and well-being.Disruption of the harmony of natural, social and spiritual, underestimation of the anthropocentric dimension of scientific rationality put Homo (...)
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    New religious currents and cults in modern Ukraine.Mykhailo Babiy, O. Karagodina, Anatolii M. Kolodnyi, Petro Kosuha & Liudmyla O. Fylypovych - 1996 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 1:17-23.
    In the context of modern world religious processes, in recent years Ukraine has become a field of active attention from various non-traditional and up-to-date religious movements. According to the State Committee of Ukraine for Religious Affairs, as of January 1, 1995, there were registered 147 non-Christian communities, 52 communities of Orientalist orientation, 23 communities of the Russian Federation, etc., registered in Ukraine. And although in the confessional environment of Ukraine, the fate of such currents is negligible, but their activities can (...)
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    Specificity of Cultural Strategies Within Bri: Challenges and Tasks for Ukraine.Sergii Rudenko, Vitalii Turenko, Andrii Kravchuk & Liudmyla Yevdokymova - 2024 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 1 (10):32-37.
    B a c k g r o u n d. The article examines the philosophical and worldview foundations and specifics of the functioning of cultural strategies within the framework of the "One Belt, One Road" (BRI) Initiative, as well as their potential and risks for Ukraine in the context of possible implementations. It was revealed that the theoretical basis of the formation of the cultural strategy of the BRI is the idea of a new democracy, which provides for the creation (...)
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  25. I. Scoones, M. Melnyk, and JN Pretty, The hidden harvest: Wild foods and agricultural systems. A literature review and annotated bibliography. [REVIEW]G. Moreno-Black - 1997 - Agriculture and Human Values 14:101-102.
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    Review of: Igor Zahrebelny, Evropeiski Khroniky [European Chronicles], Kyiv: Melnyk M.Y., 2020, 128 pp., Paperback: ISBN 978-617-7838-13-4, 250,00 UAH. [REVIEW]Nataliya Petreshak-Kulyk - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (4):627-629.
  27. A Physicalist Manifesto: Thoroughly Modern Materialism.Andrew Melnyk - 2003 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A Physicalist Manifesto is a full treatment of the comprehensive physicalist view that, in some important sense, everything is physical. Andrew Melnyk argues that the view is best formulated by appeal to a carefully worked-out notion of realization, rather than supervenience; that, so formulated, physicalism must be importantly reductionist; that it need not repudiate causal and explanatory claims framed in non-physical language; and that it has the a posteriori epistemic status of a broad-scope scientific hypothesis. Two concluding chapters argue (...)
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  28. Realization and the Formulation of Physicalism.Andrew Melnyk - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 131 (1):127-155.
    Twenty years ago, Richard Boyd suggested that physicalism could be formulated by appeal to a notion of realization, with no appeal to the identity of the non-physical with the physical. In (Melnyk 2003), I developed this suggestion at length, on the basis of one particular account of realization. I now ask what happens if you try to formulate physicalism on the basis of other accounts of realization, accounts due to LePore and Loewer and to Shoemaker. Having explored two new (...)
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    Соціальне підприємництво в забезпеченні економічного розвитку країн та подоланні територіальних диспропорцій.Liudmyla German - 2016 - Схід 4 (144):23-28.
    The paper demonstrates the necessity of introducing innovative approaches in addressing social problems of development. It proves the significance of recruiting investment in the social sphere. The author looks into the usage of social business for handling economic development problems of countries. There are factors promoting social entrepreneurship identified. Spatial social inequality in Ukraine is analyzed, the role of social entrepreneurship in its overcoming demonstrated.
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  30. How to keep the 'physical' in physicalism.Andrew Melnyk - 1997 - Journal of Philosophy 94 (12):622-637.
    This paper introduces the term "Hempel's Dilemma" to refer to the following challenge to any formulation of physicalism that appeals to the content of physics: if physical properties are those mentioned as such in current physics, then physicalism is probably false; but if they are those mentioned as such in a completed physics, then, since we have no idea what completed physics will look like, the resulting formulation of physicalism will lack content that is determinable by us now. It shows (...)
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  31. Grounding and the Formulation of Physicalism.Andrew Melnyk - 2016 - In Ken Aizawa & Carl Gillett, Scientific Composition and Metaphysical Ground. London: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 249-269.
    Grounding is all the rage in analytical metaphysics. But here I give three reasons for not appealing to a primitive relation of grounding in formulating physicalism. (1) It probably can't do the key job it would need to do. (2) We don't need it, since we already have realization. (3) It is probably not even consistent with physicalism.
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  32. In Defense of a Realization Formulation of Physicalism.Andrew Melnyk - 2018 - Topoi 37 (3):483-493.
    In earlier work, I proposed and defended a formulation of physicalism that was distinctive in appealing to a carefully-defined relation of physical realization. Various philosophers (Robert Francescotti, Daniel Stoljar, Carl Gillett, and Susan Schneider) have since presented challenges to this formulation. In the present paper, I aim to show that these challenges can be overcome.
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    Phenomenal Properties and the Intuition of Distinctness: the View from the Inside.Andrew Melnyk - 2024 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    We experience the intuition of distinctness when, for example, we attend introspectively to the phenomenal redness of a current visual sensation and it seems to us that that very property could not literally be a physical property of neural activity in a certain tiny region of our brain. The book begins by arguing that the intuition of distinctness underlies certain otherwise puzzling attitudes manifested in debates both inside and outside philosophy about whether physicalism (or materialism) can accommodate phenomenal properties (or (...)
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    An Interpretation of Value Change: A Philosophical Disquisition of Climate Change and Energy Transition Debate.Anna Melnyk - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (3):404-428.
    Changing values may give rise to intergenerational conflicts, like in the ongoing climate change and energy transition debate. This essay focuses on the interpretative question of how this value change can best be understood. To elucidate the interpretation of value change, two philosophical perspectives on value are introduced: Berlin’s value pluralism and Dworkin’s interpretivism. While both authors do not explicitly discuss value change, I argue that their perspectives can be used for interpreting value change in the case of climate change (...)
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  35. Can physicalism be non-reductive?Andrew Melnyk - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 3 (6):1281-1296.
    Can physicalism (or materialism) be non-reductive? I provide an opinionated survey of the debate on this question. I suggest that attempts to formulate non-reductive physicalism by appeal to claims of event identity, supervenience, or realization have produced doctrines that fail either to be physicalist or to be non-reductive. Then I treat in more detail a recent attempt to formulate non-reductive physicalism by Derk Pereboom, but argue that it fares no better.
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  36. Conceptual and linguistic analysis: A two-step program.Andrew Melnyk - 2008 - Noûs 42 (2):267–291.
    This paper argues against both conceptual and linguistic analysis as sources of a priori knowledge. Whether such knowledge is possible turns on the nature of concepts. The paper's chief contention is that none of the main views about what concepts are can underwrite the possibility of such knowledge.
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  37. Two cheers for reductionism, or, the dim prospects for nonreductive materialism.Andrew Melnyk - 1995 - Philosophy of Science 62 (3):370-88.
    I argue that a certain version of physicalism, which is viewed by both its admirers and its detractors as non-reductionist, in fact entails two claims which, though not reductionist in the currently most popular sense of 'reductionist', conform to the spirit of reductionism sufficiently closely to compromise its claim to be a comprehensively non-reductionist version of physicalism. Putatively non-reductionist versions of physicalism in general, I suggest, are likely to be non-reductionist only in some senses, but not in others, and hence (...)
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  38. Сознание и Материя. Информационно-измерительный Подход. Обобщенный Принцип Дополнительности.Sergiy Melnyk & Igor Tuluzov - manuscript
    Обсуждается широкий круг проблем взаимоотношения сознания и материи. Особое внимание уделено анализу структуры и свойств сознания в рамках информационной эволюции. А также – анализу роли специфических (невычислительных) свойств сознания в процедуре классических и квантовых измерений. В частности, подробно обсуждается вопрос о «клонировании» сознания (возможности копирования его свойств его на новый материальный носитель). Мы надеемся, что сформулированный нами обобщенный принцип дополнительности откроет новые пути для исследования проблем сознания в рамках фундаментальной физической картины мира.
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  39. Can Metaphysics Be Naturalized? And If So, How?Andrew Melnyk - 2013 - In Don Ross, James Ladyman & Harold Kincaid, Scientific metaphysics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 79-95.
    This is a critical, but sympathetic, examination of the manifesto for naturalized metaphysics that forms the first chapter of James Ladyman and Don Ross's 2006 book, Every Thing Must Go, but it has wider implications than this description suggests.
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  40. Physicalism: From Supervenience to Elimination.Andrew Melnyk - 1991 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 51 (3):573-587.
    Supervenience physicalism holds that all facts, of whatever type, globally supervene upon the physical facts, even though neither type-type nor token-token nonphysical-physical identities hold. I argue that, invoked like this, supervenience is metaphysically mysterious, needing explanation. I reject two explanations (Lewis and Forrest). I argue that the best explanation of the appearance of supervenience is an error-theoretic, projectivist one: there are no nonphysical properties, but we erroneously project such onto the physical world in a systematic way, yielding the appearance of (...)
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  41. Inference to the best explanation and other minds.Andrew Melnyk - 1994 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 72 (4):482-91.
    Robert Pargetter has argued that we know other minds through an inference to the best explanation. My aim is to show, by criticising Pargetter's account, that this approach to the problem of other minds cannot, as it stands, deliver the goods; it might be part of the right response to the problem, but it cannot be the whole story. More precisely, I will claim that Pargetter does not successfully reconstruct how ordinary people in everyday life come reasonably to believe in (...)
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  42. Being a physicalist: How and (more importantly) why.Andrew Melnyk - 1994 - Philosophical Studies 74 (2):221-241.
    A standard objection to any version of physicalism, an objection which may be encountered both in conversation and in the literature, is that there is just no reason to be a physicalist; even if there are no good arguments against physicalism, there are none for it either. My main aim in this paper is to defeat this objection by supplying a trio of positive reasons for adopting a particular brand of physicalism, which I call realization physicalism. The arguments I shall (...)
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  43. Історико-філософська концепція петра кудрявцева: Європейський контекст.Liudmyla Pastushenko - 2018 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 1:55-64.
    The article analyzes Petro Kudriavtsev’s historical philosophical conception in the context of basic tendencies and reference points of development of historical philosophical science in Europe in 19th – the beginning of 20th cent. For this purpose, the place and significance of reception of European philosophy in the P. Kudriavtsev’s historic philosophical works are identified. Furthermore, the article discusses the complex of philosophical and historical ideas that appeared to be productive for development of Kudriavtsev’s original historical philosophical conception. The latter is (...)
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    Religious Identities in Ukraine: formulation of the problem.Liudmyla O. Fylypovych - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 80:47-52.
    The article by Liudmyla Fylypovych «Religious Identities in Ukraine: formulation of the problem» is devoted to the problem of religious identities, which were activated in modern Ukraine in connection with radical political and civilizational challenges-shifts, and therefore they require deep study.
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  45. Searle's abstract argument against strong AI.Andrew Melnyk - 1996 - Synthese 108 (3):391-419.
    Discussion of Searle's case against strong AI has usually focused upon his Chinese Room thought-experiment. In this paper, however, I expound and then try to refute what I call his abstract argument against strong AI, an argument which turns upon quite general considerations concerning programs, syntax, and semantics, and which seems not to depend on intuitions about the Chinese Room. I claim that this argument fails, since it assumes one particular account of what a program is. I suggest an alternative (...)
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  46. From Materialism To Physicalism: An Opinionated Sketch.Andrew Melnyk - 2024 - In John Symons & Charles Wolfe, The History and Philosophy of Materialism. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 439-455.
    Late twentieth-century physicalism—here understood, broadly, as a comprehensive view about the nature of contingent reality, rather than, narrowly, as a view about the relation of the mental to the physical—is widely regarded as the descendant of the materialist hypotheses familiar from the history of philosophy both ancient and modern. This chapter contends that contemporary physicalism differs significantly from historical hypotheses of materialism, significantly enough that the prospects for physicalism cannot be inferred from those for materialism. The chapter brings out these (...)
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  47. Formulating physicalism: Two suggestions.Andrew Melnyk - 1995 - Synthese 105 (3):381-407.
    Two ways are considered of formulating a version of retentive physicalism, the view that in some important sense everything is physical, even though there do exist properties, e.g. higher-level scientific ones, which cannot be type-identified with physical properties. The first way makes use of disjunction, but is rejected on the grounds that the results yield claims that are either false or insufficiently materialist. The second way, realisation physicalism, appeals to the correlative notions of a functional property and its realisation, and (...)
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  48. Some Evidence for Physicalism.Andrew Melnyk - 2003 - In Sven Walter & Heinz-Dieter Heckmann, Physicalism and Mental Causation: The Metaphysics of Mind and Action. Imprint Academic. pp. 155-172.
    This paper presents an irreducibly inductive argument for physicalism based on the causal closure of the physical (for which it argues), and defends it against various detractors.
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    Концептуалізація впливу креативної моделі освіти на розвиток інноваційного суспільства в умовах технологічної революції 4.0 і глобалізації 4.0. [REVIEW]Vitalina Nikitenko - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 76:146-156.
    The relevance of the research topic is that the theme of education is relevant in the information society, which is called "the society of knowledge", digital society, smart society, which requires the formation of an appropriate model of creative education and creative personality. The purpose of the article is the conceptualization of the creative model of education as a factor of innovative development of society. Objectives of the research: to develop a model of creative education of the society of the (...)
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  50. Papineau on the intuition of distinctness.Andrew Melnyk - 2002 - SWIF Philosophy of Mind 4 (1).
    Critical comments on David Papineau's idea that people find physicalism about phenomenal consciousness unbelievable because they commit what he calls the 'antipathetic fallacy'.
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